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Artist Diploma
Application & Audition Requirements

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About this Program


这是2年的专业预科课程, performance-based Artist Diploma (AD) program accepts a few highly gifted and experienced performers at the post-graduate level who wish to pursue focused studies designed to develop their artistry and professionalism.

For more detailed information about the program, please visit the Music Division webpage and navigate to your area of study.


In order to be admitted as an Artist Diploma student, you must have:

  • Prior artistic training
  • English language fluency

You are ineligible to apply to this program if you have already earned an Artist Diploma in the same major from another institution.

If you apply to this degree program and are denied admission, you can apply again. After two unsuccessful attempts, you are no longer eligible to apply.

Academic Requirements

The Juilliard School requires no specific courses, GPAs, standardized test scores, or class rankings for entry to this program. 

However, we will carefully evaluate your academic record and required essay to make sure you have the scholastic competence necessary to succeed in AD-level coursework. 


Criteria for Acceptance

  • Exceptional talent as a performer, and the potential to meet Juilliard's technical standards
  • A high level and quality of training and musicianship
  • A capacity for sustained, disciplined practice
  • The personal maturity and generosity of spirit essential for ensemble work
  • Broad and thoughtful interest in the world of music, including its historical traditions and contemporary trends
  • A clear dedication to artistic excellence and a desire to exercise artistic leadership 

Application Timeline

Application Timeline

Applications to the College Division open on September 1 each year for enrollment the following fall. Please note the various deadlines for individual materials below.

Online Application with Artistic Resume, Essay(s) and Introduction Video December 1
申请费(美元)或费用减免December 1
Prescreening MaterialsDecember 1
英语语言能力证明 December 1
Recommender InformationDecember 1
推荐(s)December 15
申请ADA试听住宿December 15
Official Transcripts*January 15 
Dossier*February 16
奖学金/经济援助申请*March 1

*Official Transcripts, *Dossier, and *奖学金/经济援助申请 required only if an invitation to an in-person audition is received.

Results announced via email by Mid-January
Audition Date(s)
See "Audition Dates" Page


Application Results

You will receive notification of your admission status (admit, wait list, or deny) through your application status page no later than April 1, if all required application materials have been received.

Application Fee & Waivers

Application Fee

The $110 application fee is nonrefundable and must be paid through your application status page upon submission of your application. Your application is not considered complete until the fee has been received.

Fee Waivers

Fee waiver requests are available for applicants to graduate programs who demonstrate significant financial need by uploading one of the following to the application: 

  • If you are independent, a copy of your most recent tax form filed OR 

  • A letter on school stationery from your current university’s or college's Financial Aid Office stating that you have financial need of a fee waiver 

If you are unable to provide one of the above documents, you may provide the following: 

  • A personal letter describing your financial situation 

所有文件必须是英文的. Original documents with translations are acceptable. 

How to Upload

Fee waiver documentation (translated into English if not originally in that language) must be uploaded directly within the online application and submitted by the appropriate deadline. 文件必须在其中任何一个 .doc or .pdf format. (Convert your file to another format if you have scanned your document as a jpg.)

Fee waiver requests are processed on an ongoing basis. You will receive an email with the results of your request as soon as it is processed. Note that we have a heavy volume of requests to process at the deadline, so you may not receive your results until after the deadline has passed. This does not 取消申请资格. Do not pay the application fee if your waiver request is still pending.

Your application status page will show an application fee payment due until your request is approved. If you are notified that your request for an application fee waiver is denied, you will be required to pay the application fee. Your application is not considered complete until the fee has been received. If your fee waiver request is processed after the deadline, and is denied, you will still have a grace period in which to pay the fee. 


Your Online Application

Your application must be submitted online by the appropriate deadline. To begin, 创建你的茱莉亚学院招生账户, gather all of the required application materials, and follow the instructions to complete your application.


Your Resume

An artistic resume must be uploaded as part of the online application. The purpose of submitting a résumé is to provide the Admissions Committee with a document that quickly sums up your background and accomplishments. The résumé should contain lists, not full prose paragraphs such as in a program bio. The elements to include in your résumé are as follows: 

  • Your name and major (violin, jazz trumpet, soprano, etc.)
  • Your contact information (including address, phone, and email)
  • Education: Where you studied, degree or diploma earned (or to be earned)
  • Teachers: Particularly for classical instrumentalists and vocalists, listing your most recent teachers and the dates when you studied with them is important information for the Committee
  • Master classes where you performed: List teacher and date (for example, June 2020)
  • Ensemble experience: Youth orchestras, choirs, jazz bands, etc.
  • 比赛和奖项:包括日期
  • Performances: If including orchestral performances, only include those if you were the soloist; otherwise list recitals and chamber music performances
  • Other experience: If you have done volunteer work, held a job, etc.,这些都可以在这里列出 

You do not have to use these exact categories in this exact order. 使用符合你背景的内容, but make sure to put your name at the top of the document, and include your education and your teachers. 不提交项目简介. It is not useful for purposes of applying to Juilliard.

Your Essay(s)

Juilliard’s Admissions Committee uses your essay(s) to learn more about you as an individual and gain a sense of who you are beyond your application, transcript, and audition.


Essay Requirements

  • 1-2页,双倍行距,12号字体
  • written in English (not translated from another language)
  • 必须是你自己的原创作品
  • 在在线申请中提交


你必须提交 two essays:

  1. Describe a musical encounter or experience that was a defining moment for you in formulating your artistic values. Be specific  and tell us how that experience continues to influence your musical work to this day.
  2. State your specific artistic and educational objectives for this period of study. 如何实现这些目标, 以及esball世博提供的资源, will help you achieve your professional goals. This statement is a critically important aspect of the admission review process.




Optional Essay
Should you have a personal or academic circumstance to share that you feel can provide context for a particular point on your resume - for example, a gap year, unusually low grades in a semester or year, etc. - you have the option to submit an additional short essay.

Your Introduction Video

A one-minute video uploaded to the application in which you record yourself giving the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your major (i.e. 长笛、作曲、管风琴. Voice applicants: please include your voice type
  • Your current music teacher
  • 你现在的学校和年级
  • One fact that you want the Admissions Committee to know about you that they cannot learn from your application materials AND
  • Tell us about one piece of music that excites you and why.

To record your video, navigate to the "Music Introduction Video" tab in your application. There you will find instructions for starting the recording. Because the video will be recorded directly from the application, not uploaded as a video file, 我们建议给自己留出充足的时间 to prepare and test your recording in the application module. You can record and save your video at any time before submitting your application, and can delete and re-record your video as needed prior to submission. You will need to use a computer (any type) or cell phone (Android only) with a webcam and a browser that supports media recording (Chrome and Firefox). At this time, video recording is not supported on iPhones or iPads. If you have any trouble with the video recording module, please call or email the Office of Admissions.

Your Transcripts

Transcripts are an important component of the decision process. They help us determine if you have sufficient scholastic competence to succeed in coursework at the level for which you are applying. The transcript requirement will be placed on your checklist with a clear deadline at an appropriate point in the application process. DO NOT SEND YOUR TRANSCRIPT UNTIL YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT IT.



  • An official transcript is one that is sent from your school directly to Juilliard.
    • To avoid the possibility of fraudulent transcripts, we DO NOT accept transcripts sent via email.
    • An official transcript must show courses taken and grades earned.
  • An unofficial transcript is one that you (the applicant) send to us or upload to your application.
    • Because the transcript did not come from your school, it is insufficient for admission and does not fulfill the checklist requirement.


How Do I Send Juilliard My Official Transcript?

  • Follow your Registrar’s process 要求把成绩单寄给esball世博.
  • In the U.S., many schools use secure electronic sending services such as Naviance, Parchment, eSCRIP-SAFE, or other system.
  • Schools outside the U.S. typically send hard copy of the official transcript to Juilliard via regular or express mail.
  • Electronic or paper?
    • Electronic sending services must use this email address: [email protected].
    • 你学业进展的书面记录, including grades earned, is an acceptable alternative to an electronic transcript if it is sent in a sealed envelope directly from the issuing institution(s) to the Juilliard Office of Admissions (mailing address below).


Transcript Requirements for Students Studying Outside the US

  • 正式成绩单必须由 stated deadline once the requirement is added to your checklist.
  • 如果你的成绩单不是英文的, we require the transcript in its original language as well as a certified translation.
  • Your official transcript(s) must show all prior and current coursework, including at least 24 credits of liberal arts courses.
  • You will be notified if an official evaluation of your transcript is required in order to verify your academic level. Companies such as SpanTran (use this link for a discounted evaluation: 横跨路径-茱莉亚学院)WES, or ECE 这项服务可以收费吗.
  • We understand that the current academic year has not ended, and that, 如果您目前正在注册, 你还没有完成你的课程. 请提交成绩单 as is by the deadline; a final transcript will be required later, if you are admitted and choose to enroll.
  • You may view the status of transcripts at any time by logging into your application account.
  • Hard copies of transcripts may be mailed to:

          Office of Admissions
          The Juilliard School
          60 Lincoln Center Plaza
          New York, NY 10023

Your Recommendations

In your application you will be required to identify two individuals who 会提供你的建议.*建议应:

  • be from a teacher, conductor, coach, or artistic mentor
  • 阐述你的才能和成就
  • discuss the following individual characteristics that indicate potential for success in the field: perseverance, dedication, collegiality, and leadership

*Please note that currently enrolled Juilliard students are also required to have two letters of recommendation in support of their application. These letters can come from internal faculty members or those not affiliated with The Juilliard School.

The recommendations themselves are not due until later in the application timeline. Recommenders will receive an email with a link to securely upload their letters to our application system. We will only accept recommendations received through our application system.

You may view the status of recommendations at any time by logging into your application account.

Your Dossier

A dossier is defined as a collection of files and materials on the same subject. For musicians, this is a combination of performance and biographical materials that can be used for promotional and professional uses and is similar to an Electronic Press Kit.

Your dossier should include the following, as appropriate: 

  • a program bio
    • A program bio can include your background information, 业绩及教育经历, 职业亮点与成就, and any additional descriptions about your musical style.
  • 具有代表性的剧目清单 from the past two years, including examples of important works from the contemporary literature
    • The representative repertoire list should include the pieces you have performed within the last two years, along with contemporary and classical literature in your repertory.
  • press clippings/reviews
    • As part of the dossier, you may include press clippings or reviews from any performances or recordings that received media coverage. This can include quotes from an album review, a venue, 或者是和你合作过的音乐家, as well as any additional articles discussing your performance or work.
  • a list of recordings
    • The list of recordings may include any pieces that you have professionally recorded.
  • a link to your website 
  • a press kit
    • The press kit can include the above materials listed, along with any additional promotional materials that you have that are related to your music career.

All of the required materials for the dossier should be combined into one PDF file and uploaded to your application status page by February 16. Please note that you will not be able to upload the dossier until you have received an official audition invitation.

Your Teacher Preferences

A key element of your study at Juilliard is your major teacher assignment. Music students receive 15 one-hour lessons per semester with a Juilliard studio faculty member.





  • Your teacher preferences are confidential and do not affect admissions decisions. Studio faculty are not advised of teacher preference selections until after admission decisions are finalized by the committee
  • We aim to confirm studio assignments with notification of admission
  • If admitted, your teacher assignment will be based on your preferences to the greatest extent possible. No teacher assignment can be made without a documented request for a specific teacher


Researching Teachers

如果你不熟悉我们的教员, we strongly recommend researching the teachers in your major prior to the application deadline, as follows:

  • 查看教师的在线简介 directory 听听每位艺术家的录音
  • Ask your current teacher(s) for recommendations
  • Consult with friends who may have studied with them
  • Optional: Set up a meeting or lesson with the teacher(s). Although not all faculty are available to meet with applicants due to their teaching and performing commitments, you may use this form to request contact information for up to four teachers. Scheduling the meeting and payment of any lesson or meeting fee is your responsibility.

Scholarship & Financial Aid Forms

This program provides a scholarship for the full cost of tuition. If you are a US citizen or permanent resident, you may apply for federal student loans to assist with additional required fees and living expenses by completing the FAFSA.

Visit the Office of Financial Aid for more information. 


Prescreening Type


You are required to upload your files in a Video format. 可接受的文件类型包括:

  • .3g2, .3gp, .avi, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .mxf, .webm, .wmv

PLEASE NOTE: Some .mov files use a codec which is not supported by the application. We recommend that .mov files be converted to another accepted format to avoid uploading difficulties.

我们支持最大5GB的媒体文件, but please be advised that larger files will take longer to upload from your Internet connection and may stall if you are on a wireless connection or one that cannot sustain a connection for the necessary period of time. 

Prescreening Requirements

Your major is required to submit prescreening recordings within the online application by the appropriate deadline.


  • Upload and arrange your recordings so that the file that represents your best work is first.
  • Individual movements or excerpts should be uploaded as separate digital files.
  • Clearly label each of the uploaded files with the name of the composer and work/movement.
  • Complete your uploads well in advance of the appropriate deadline, as upload times vary depending on file size and internet signal strength.
  • Insufficient or incomplete audition repertoire may affect consideration for admission.
  • Where specific works are required, substitutions are not allowed.
  • Please note that audition requirements which state a complete piece or work are indicating all movements must be prepared.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the prescreening requirements listed below, all works written with accompaniment must be accompanied for your recording.


  • Please note that submitted prescreening recordings do not 需要在特定的环境中拍摄. 在练习室拍摄的视频, a living room, a concert hall, a recording studio, 或者可以提交任何其他设置. 
  • Recordings must be genuinely performed by you. Composition applicants: live recordings of your works may include others.
  • Recordings must not be edited, nor should any effects such as “reverb” be added.
  • Play back and check your entire recording for any distortion or excessive “buzz”.  
  • If accompaniment is required, ensure that it does not drown out your playing.
  • Review your recordings before uploading to ensure that they are of good quality and represent your best work to date.

You will be notified as to whether or not you have passed the prescreening round by the date on the application timeline. Please note that prescreening materials become the property of The Juilliard School and will not be returned. We encourage you to keep copies for your records.

Additional Instructions

Prescreening Repertoire

  1. One movement of a concerto from the standard cello repertoire, such as Dvorak, Schumann, Haydn D or C, Lalo, Shostakovich, Barber, Herbert, 普罗科菲耶夫协奏曲, Elgar, or Saint-Saëns. Please follow the detailed instructions below.
    • if Saint-Saëns is chosen, please play the 2nd and 3rd movements;
    • if Elgar is chosen, please play either the 1st and 2nd movements or the 3rd and 4th movements;
    • if Shostakovich Concerto #1 is chosen, please play the 1st and 2nd movements;
    • if Haydn C Major is chosen, please play the 1st and 2nd movements;
    • if the 菲岑哈根版的洛可可变奏曲 is chosen, please play the Theme and Variations 1, 2, 3, and 7;
    • if the 洛可可变奏曲的原始版本 is chosen, please play the Theme and Variations 1, 2, 3, 4;
    • if Schelomo 是选中的,请全部播放.
  2. A complete Bach suite. 必须从记忆中执行.

Additional Requirements



You are required to show proof of English language proficiency by the application deadline if your native language is not English, regardless of citizenship. The Juilliard School defines native language as the language first spoken as a child and the primary language spoken at home.



An exemption automatically excuses an applicant from the requirement to provide a test score as proof of English language proficiency. The exemption is based on the applicant meeting specific criteria when completing the application. Applicants who are exempt from the requirement to provide an ELP test score are also exempt from the interview requirement.

你可以免除这个要求,如果 BOTH 下列选项中有一个是正确的:*

  1. You have attended an English language high school/secondary school for four years AND
  2. You have or will complete a four-year undergraduate degree at an English language institution

*Note that this is a TOTAL of EIGHT years of instruction at English language institutions, including BOTH high school AND undergraduate degree studies.

An exemption to provide a test score as proof of English language proficiency is granted automatically if 您符合上述标准. Applicants who are exempt from providing a test score also are exempt from the ELP interview requirement.



A waiver excuses an applicant from the requirement to provide a test score as proof of English language proficiency. Waivers are granted by Juilliard upon request of the applicant, and following a review by the School’s Director of ESL of the materials submitted by the applicant in support of their request for the waiver.

A waiver of the ELP requirement may be granted at the school’s discretion if the following criteria are met: 

  1. The applicant has earned (or will have earned by the time of matriculation) a FOUR-year undergraduate degree from a school where the language of instruction is English AND
  2. The applicant submits two academic papers written in English, for review by our Director of ESL. The papers must have been written in the applicant’s most recently completed academic term. Each paper must be a minimum of 1200 words in length AND
  3. The applicant submits an unofficial transcript for review.

To request consideration for a waiver, follow the instructions on the application form.

An interview is still required of applicants whose test score requirement is waived.


Helpful tool: To see if you may qualify for an exemption or a waiver of the requirement to submit a test score as proof of English language proficiency, our online form can help you. Although this form does not 给予豁免或豁免, it can help you plan ahead should the result indicate that you need to schedule an ELP test.



The ability to speak, read, and understand English fluently is an important factor in admissions decisions. You must submit one of the following test types to prove your mastery of the English language. If your score falls below the minimum scores listed here, you should carefully consider whether to continue the application and audition process. We reserve the right to deny an audition based on scores that fall considerably below our minimum. 

Test Type Minimum Score
Cambridge English B2

TOEFL and 托福网考特别家庭版


TOEFL ITP Plus (China)


IELTS Academic Test  and IELTS Indicator


The official test results must be sent directly from the testing company and received in the Office of Admissions by the appropriate deadline.


Interview Requirement

  • Artist Diploma (AD) applicants with a test score of 94 TOEFL and below (or the equivalent score for other tests) are required to interview with Juilliard’s Director of ESL in order to demonstrate fluency in the English language.
  • AD applicants who are exempt from the test score requirement also are exempt from the interview requirement.
  • AD a申请人的考试成绩为 waived are still required to interview with the School’s Director of ESL.
  • The Office of Admissions will contact applicants to schedule required interviews.


You are considered a former Juilliard college student if you have not been in attendance during the previous academic year.  You must submit all required application materials, in addition to the requirements below. 


作为茱莉亚学院的前学生, you are required to submit an additional essay explaining your motivation for resuming your studies or applying to another major at Juilliard. 你可以选择学术上的, artistic, or professional goals that you believe could be accomplished by returning.


Transcript Requirements

  • You are required to provide official transcripts from all institutions attended after Juilliard
  • Transcripts are already on file from your time at Juilliard and do not need to be submitted


作为茱莉亚学院的前学生, you do not need to submit proof of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, ITP Plus).


We reserve the right to review your Juilliard enrollment record to assist with admissions decisions.


Online Application
如果你符合条件,你必须申请 one of the following criteria:

  • 你想换专业
  • You are applying to a new program of study (changing your degree level)


Application Fee
As a currently enrolled student in the College Division, you are not required to submit an application fee as long as you submit your application by the appropriate deadline.


你必须提交 an additional essay explaining your motivation for continuing your studies at Juilliard. 你可以选择学术上的, artistic, or professional goals that you believe could be accomplished by remaining at Juilliard.


Currently enrolled Juilliard students are also required to have recommendation(s) in support of their application. This can come from an internal faculty member or someone not affiliated with The Juilliard School.


As a current student, you do not need to provide your official transcripts, 因为他们已经存档了.


Prescreening Requirement
Prescreening is required only if both of the following are true: 

  1. 你正在申请一个新的专业 AND
  2. The major to which you are applying is prescreened 


You do not need to submit proof of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, ITP Plus).


We reserve the right to review your Juilliard enrollment record to assist with admissions decisions.


The Juilliard School seeks to facilitate the full participation of applicants with disabilities in the audition process. The school makes reasonable accommodations or adjustments for qualified individuals with known disabilities in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). 

Juilliard will not make pre-admissions inquiries as to whether or not a student has a disability; however, applicants with documented disabilities who require reasonable accommodations in order to participate in the audition process must notify the Office of 学业支持和残疾服务 (OASDS) in writing by the appropriate deadline

You will be required to submit documentation of your disability to OASDS; this information will be kept strictly confidential. You must complete the following forms in order for the school to accommodate your specific needs:

  • Applicant Release of Disability Related Information Form 
  • 住宿申请表格

For more information and to access the forms please visit the Office of 学业支持和残疾服务 page.

Auditioning for Juilliard

Audition Repertoire Guidelines and Resources

A dedicated group of studio faculty chairs and other leaders in The Music Division joined together to create Music by Black Composers: An Introductory Resource, a document that seeks to expand knowledge and build a more inclusive approach to repertoire. Repertoire and pedagogical choices can often grow out of habit and a narrowness of knowledge, shaped by a history of exclusion and diminished voices. In the Music Division, we are taking important steps to broaden our knowledge by creating a faculty-researched list of works by Black composers to embrace and work toward a more representative world of classical music. 当你有选择的时候, we encourage you to include a work in your audition repertoire by a composer from historically underrepresented gender, racial, ethnic, and cultural heritages.


We are also happy to recommend the following as additional resources that expand our knowledge of a wider breadth of repertoire:


作为在线申请的一部分, you are required to submit your proposed audition repertoire for review and approval. Should you need to update your repertoire after you submit your online application, 你可以在你的 application status page.

  • Insufficient or incomplete audition repertoire may affect consideration for admission
  • Where specific works are required, substitutions are not allowed
  • Audition requirements which state a complete piece or work are indicating all movements must be prepared

You should first consult with your private teacher to determine the suitability of your proposed repertoire. If there is any concern regarding the appropriateness of a particular piece, 通过此表格提交您的问题

Audition Scheduling

After successfully passing the prescreening portion of the audition process, you will receive an invitation to attend an in-person audition. 

Auditions are scheduled based on a combination of the following:

  • Your ordered teacher preferences (if applicable)
  • Your audition day request (in cases of multiple audition days)

Important things to know about your audition:

  • You will receive an email confirming your audition date and time at least one month before your audition
  • Auditions take place only at The Juilliard School in New York City. Audition day details, including practice room availability, will be sent prior to your audition
  • 不接受视频试镜 

Audition Repertoire

Fall 2024 Auditions

Music auditions at The Juilliard School are held in person on our New York City campus; limited funds are available for need-based travel grants. All applicants invited to audition are expected to attend on their scheduled date and time, and are expected to have the entire audition repertoire prepared. While faculty may not hear entire works, they may ask you to perform any part of a required work.

Audition Repertoire

  1. A complete concerto from the standard cello repertoire, such as Dvorak, Schumann, Haydn D or C, Lalo, Shostakovich, Barber, Herbert, 普罗科菲耶夫协奏曲, Elgar, or Saint-Saëns. 必须从记忆中执行.
  2. A complete Bach suite. 必须从记忆中执行.
  3. One virtuoso piece such as those listed here: Popper Spinning Song or Elfentanz, Paganini Moto Perpetuo, Faure Papillons, 波切里尼奏鸣曲《esball世博》, 皮亚蒂随想曲或波普练习曲, Davidoff At the Fountain, 舒伯特琶音奏鸣曲第一乐章, 或者柴可夫斯基的《esball世博》
  4. One work composed after 1945 such as works by Carter, Sessions, Dutilleux, Lutoslawski, Penderecki, Shapey, etc.,片长6-8分钟. The work may be either a complete short piece or a complete movement from a larger work.
  5. A short lyrical piece such as Saint-Saëns The Swan, Fauré Après un Rêve, Chopin/Popper Nocturne No. 2 in E flat major, Op. 9, No. 2, 门德尔松《无词之歌, 肖邦奏鸣曲慢乐章, 舒曼民间风格五首, 2nd movement, Schumann Fantasy Pieces, 1st movement, 或者是申请人的选择.
  6. 一首完整的古典或浪漫奏鸣曲. If Beethoven Op. 5 #1 or #2 is chosen, please only play the Rondo (last movement).


  • 面试结束后, some applicants may be called back for an interview with a member of the Artist Diploma Committee on a date TBA. You must be available for the interview to be considered for admission.
  • If you are not called back for the interview, you may reasonably conclude that you are not under consideration for admission.

Accompanist Information

  • Works with piano accompaniment must be accompanied for the in-person audition
  • We encourage you to use a Juilliard accompanist for your audition
  • Accompanists will be provided free of charge for the audition; please note that accompanists charge fees for rehearsals
  • A list of accompanists will be provided approximately two weeks before auditions. You must contact an accompanist from the list two weeks prior to your audition and provide them with a piano score of the repertoire for the audition
  • If you wish to bring your own accompanist, you may do so. However, 茱莉亚学院不会付钱给他们, nor can your Juilliard audition be rescheduled around your accompanist's availability
  • If you plan to play with a Juilliard-provided accompanist, please carefully consider general familiarity of your repertoire. Juilliard cannot guarantee accompanists will know unusual or non-standard repertoire. Please be particularly mindful to select contemporary works that have become standard repertoire or have piano parts which are easily sight read. If the Juilliard accompanists hired for your audition day are unable to learn or sight read a non-standard work, you may need to play that work unaccompanied

Decisions & Enrolling


There are three possible outcomes to the audition process:


  1. The faculty recommends you to the Admissions Committee based on your potential and artistry as demonstrated in the audition.
  2. The Admissions Committee evaluates your academic record and supplemental materials in order to determine your capacity to succeed at Juilliard.
  3. The Admissions Committee makes the final determination of whom to admit based on their own evaluation, faculty recommendations, and the number of available openings in your major.
  4. The Office of Admissions releases your decision letter.


  1. The faculty recommends you to the Admissions Committee based on your potential and artistry as demonstrated in the audition.
  2. The Admissions Committee evaluates your academic record and supplemental materials in order to determine your capacity to succeed at Juilliard.
  3. 你在候补名单上是因为, although you are found admissible to the school, 我们的空缺数量有限.
  4. 是否有空位, the Admissions Committee evaluates the waitlist, 在必要时提供录取通知.  

During the application process, there are three points at which you can be denied admission:

  1. 作为预先筛选的结果
  2. At various points in the application and audition process
  3. Following review by the Admissions Committee 

A denial at any of these stages results in notification that you are no longer under consideration for admission.

这些决定将公布给你们的 application status page as noted on the timeline.